2008-11-26 Unthankful at ThanksGiving

The 7 signs (& photos) of unthankfulness. When doughnuts are ugly, fruits too small, potatoes like a$$es, & turkeys born with a biohazard sign, then ... it's a time of unthankfulness. What to do with the 'un-thankful'?

Some possible signs of unthankfulness:

The doughnuts don't taste well

Photo by Gabriel & wilbau,
Actor Jane is acting as if she wouldn't like doughnuts.

The fruits are too small.

Photo: wilbau, like to read in my hand if I'm thankful? ;)

The potatoes look like bu§§s.

Photo: wilbau, from this summer (typical Austrian potatoe :)

The new turkey generation already got
bird-flu warning & biohazard signs inbuilt.

Artwork: wilbau

The turkey on the plate looks like ...

artwork: wilbau

... and after you've eaten it, funny things
that aren't funny might happen ...

Photo & Artwork: freakingnews.com

Some claim, that these things happen,
because Saints are getting jailed ...

Photo: wilbau

... and that the proper Blessing Machines
don't work like they did in ancient times.
Photo: wilbau, found this piece (the hardware) at a fleamarket.

Sooooo ... actually the pics tell it all. Unthankfulness or Ungratefulness as the refusal to recognise debts; to feel to have the right for every thing, and for the best without to many or any obligations.

'Guilty' of Unthankfulness are the 'Lovers of Themselves' (the selfish ones, the self-centered and self-absorbed ...), the Lovers of Money and the Proud Boasters.

Not to forget the Blasphemers (the railers, defamers and abusers) with a multitude of contemptuous attitudes who like to share the 'bitter words'.

Then there are of course the 'Unholy', all the ones without piety, that are irreverent, irreligious and / or plain wicked. They are lacking the core moral values like honesty, personal responsibility, respect of others, civic duty and are inhuman without natural affection ...just simply hard-hearted.

A quote for this ThanksGiving day is surely this one:
"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887

The above quote comes from a time (was there still slavery in the US?) when the quotation of bliblical scriptures wouldn't lead to an ?uphowling? (German: "AUF-KREISCHEN") of Atheistic community members.
No, no.
People would quote also scriptures like this one:
2 Timothy 3:2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy ...
Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil.

Yeah: "Kind toward the unthankful and evil".
Yes, that seems to be an ... ?- unthankful ? Job?
Well, definitely there's a challenge.

2008-11-24 John F Kennedy Assassination Commemoration

Commemoration: November | 22 | 1963: John F Kennedy shot dead in Dallas.


J F Kennedy in Berlin (here at an University), 1963: "Ich bin ein Berliner."

Just like a lot of other old people, I can still picture the rememberance of that day, when Kennedy was shot in my mind. My parents and I still lived in a small apartment in one of the outside districts of Vienna, in a so called 'Zimmer-Küche-Kabinett-Wohnung'.

After being in primary school for 4 years, then in 1963 my first year at the 'Gymnasium' started (absolved it successfully in 1972).

In the kitchen on a board was this tube-radio, an 'Eumigette'. We had no TV. The normal radio broadcast was interrupted with the news, that J F Kennedy had been shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.

As a child I felt the shock and sudden uncertainty of my parents and sensed that they got kind of hurt by these news too. I felt their 'Betroffenheit'.

It looked to me, as if a certain period of hope had quitted and that new uncertain times would begin. As I mentioned, 8 years later I finished my courses at the gymnasium, that was the time of the Vietnam war.

More on the assassination, John F Kennedy and the BBC News of that day.

2008-11-22 The Top 10 Social Networks for Creative People

If you’re serious about getting your work in front of an audience and reaping the rewards your work deserves, then here’s why networking is essential to your success.

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2008-11-21 The Power of Blogs: Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day 2008 (December 1) is now less than two weeks away! Worldwide, an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV.

In the United States, an estimated one million Americans are living with HIV.

AIDS.gov is partnering with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Blog Catalog Exit Disclaimer for Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day 2008. This event encourages bloggers from around the world to dedicate their blog posts on December 1, 2008 (World AIDS Day) to issues related to HIV/AIDS.

Goal is to leverage the power of the blogosphere to remind people that HIV/AIDS is still a critical issue in the U.S. and around the world, and to promote HIV testing. Jan Lipkin, NIDA’s Deputy Chief, Public Information and Liaison Branch, said “NIDA and Bloggers Unite [also] share a vision for empowering individuals to make educated decisions, and we are looking forward to reaching out to the blogging community to help us educate others on World AIDS Day and beyond.

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2008-11-10 Refugees in Austria - once and now.

Once ... persecution of Jews in Austria. Now Austria is rather reluctant to give political asylum to refugees. Tendencies, history and some photos.This post is joining (a part of) BlogCatalogs BloggersUnite action to raise awareness for refugees. http://unite.blogcatalog.com/ "Bloggers Unite is an attempt to harness the power of the blogosphere to make the world a better place." "The core cause of Bloggers Unite and Refugees United is information. Information leads to empowerment."

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2008-11-05 Memory Dance for 2008 Election Results

The showdown is finally approaching & ... The 44th president is ... join in the election memory dance (video).

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