2008-11-21 The Power of Blogs: Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day 2008 (December 1) is now less than two weeks away! Worldwide, an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV.

In the United States, an estimated one million Americans are living with HIV.

AIDS.gov is partnering with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Blog Catalog Exit Disclaimer for Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day 2008. This event encourages bloggers from around the world to dedicate their blog posts on December 1, 2008 (World AIDS Day) to issues related to HIV/AIDS.

Goal is to leverage the power of the blogosphere to remind people that HIV/AIDS is still a critical issue in the U.S. and around the world, and to promote HIV testing. Jan Lipkin, NIDA’s Deputy Chief, Public Information and Liaison Branch, said “NIDA and Bloggers Unite [also] share a vision for empowering individuals to make educated decisions, and we are looking forward to reaching out to the blogging community to help us educate others on World AIDS Day and beyond.

read more | digg story


mbuitron said...

I made a post today, and wanted to forward the link:
I thought your post on World AIDS Day would be a good place to pass it along.

Last week I received an email from the Getty Museum listing their activities for December, which included events in conjunction with World AIDS Day, December 1. After checking out some other L.A. museum's calendars, I saw that the Getty was the only one that had events listed. I can remember ten or fifteen years ago when it seemed that every museum or gallery had something happening on "A Day Without Art."

This got me to think that the blog-o-sphere would be an ideal way to resurrect the tradition. I thought about some of my artist friends who died before the advent of the internet, and how little of their work or lives are represented online.

To remedy that situation, and to mark "A Day Without Art," I'll be posting a short tribute to a former CalArts classmate and video artist. I thought it would be a great idea if I could get other bloggers to post on December 1 anything they'd like on artists they admire who died of AIDS.

